Category Archives for "Data Bites"

Nov 03

Pesticide in Produce: Does Organic Matter?

By Amanda Rose | Data Bites , Tidbits

As you bite into a fresh apple, are you getting more than you bargained for? Do apples and other fruits and vegetables actually have pesticide residue? In 2002, researchers examined pesticide residue on common fruits and vegetables comparing conventionally-produced crops to those produced using an integrated pest management system and those that were certified organic […]

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May 28

Boil High Oxalate Greens

By Amanda Rose | Data Bites , Tidbits

We love greens and have made a commitment in our household to grow them abundantly in our garden and to eat them with relish. However, when we are consuming greens in quantity, particularly in dishes like our extra-green soups, we do pay attention to the content of oxalic acid in them. Oxalic acid will reduce […]

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