Category Archives for "Greens"

Jan 28

Asian chicken lettuce wraps

By Jeanie Rose | Greens

The first time I tasted the likes of this dish was as an appetizer at PF Chang’s. I wanted to order another batch and forget dinner! But alas, I was with dear family and friends who had other plans, so I kept my mouth zipped. A closed mouth helped my busy mind with mental notes. […]

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Nov 13

Kale Salad with Garden Tomatoes

By Jeanie Rose | Greens

Have you noticed how some of the best ideas spring from the challenge of what to do with leftovers or what to do with over-abundance in the garden? This composed salad is one of those gems. The kale was flourishing as the tomato harvest began. We were still in the season of more eggs than […]

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Oct 01

Mediterranean Kale Salad

By Jeanie Rose | Greens

This salad makes a super side-dish or can be turned into a whole meal by serving it with a bit of grilled fish or chicken and some grain like quinoa or brown rice pilaf. Stuff it in some pita and top with a yogurt dressing and felafels. I guess the point I am trying to […]

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